Friday, March 27, 2009

"What Pictures Are In Your Mind?"

Cheering Me On
By: Author Unknown

I close my eyes as tight as they can go. The lights go off,
and my imagination switches on. Pictures flash through my
mind like an old film from the fifties. I remember driving
home by myself for the first time. Now, I look into the
future and imagine that I am walking across the stage to
receive my college diploma. The years pass, and I hear my
fiancée say "I do." I look further and listen to the gentle
gurgles coming from my baby's nursery. A smile discreetly
appears as memories past and thoughts of the future travel
through my soul. I journey to memories of my high school
graduation, and a tear suddenly trickles down my cheek. I
look into the bleachers packed with families and friends. I
see my parents wrapped in pride, and I look to their side
for Katie and Kevin's approval. But Katie, my older sister,
is not there.

My eyes abruptly open as I am snapped back into reality. I
remember being called out of Spanish class in tenth grade
and taken to the hospital to see Katie, who had cancer, for
the final time. It was an excruciating task, but I found the
good in Katie's tragic death. Katie's room is exactly the
way she left it on a Friday night in September, 1993, when
she was carried to the ambulance on a stretcher. Her James
Dean poster hangs on one wall; her elementary school track
ribbons and collection of porcelain masks hangs on the
others. Her bed is neatly made and lined with stuffed
animals -- typical of a girl who would visit her sloppier
friends and, without prompting, start vacuuming their rooms.
Katie died just a few weeks into her freshman year. At
eighteen she was 5'5'' tall and had straight shoulder length
blond hair, big blue eyes, and pale clear skin. Her senior
year in high school, Katie was the varsity cheerleader
captain and valedictorian. More importantly, though, she was
my best friend. After all, when she was six years old, she
had declared herself old enough to take care of her little
sister and brand new baby brother, because she thought our
mother was not sharing us enough with her. This caring
attitude continued throughout her life. Katie would always
braid my hair, go shopping with me, and let me go out with
her and her friends when I was lonely and bored. Katie would
always tutor Kevin, who has a learning disability, when he
needed help with his homework. She would continually drill
him on his studies until he got it right. Afterwards, she
would take him to go get ice cream as a reward.

Clearly, Katie was not just our older sister. She was also
our teacher, friend, and second mother. Katie always
surrounded herself with friends. She was constantly opening
her ears, heart, and arms to someone in need. The phone was
constantly ringing and her room was always crowded with
people in it. Now, my house is silent. I realize that
getting caught in a pool of depression only leads to
drowning. I live by looking for the positive in the worst
situations. I now have a relationship with my parents and
brother that means everything to me. I know what is
important in life, and it is not always partying and getting
A's. But most of all, I know that I can handle anything.

Life is not easy, but I overcame one of its toughest
obstacles. I believe, the hardest part of death is the
experiences it steals. Katie will not be clapping for me
when I finally get my college diploma or giving me advice on
my wedding day. My children will only hear stories of the
girlhood of their aunt, both stories of reality and an
imagined future.

I close my eyes as tight as they can go. A diploma is
placed in my hand. "I do" echoes from a distance. Katie says
she loves me and hugs me tight on a September afternoon in
1993. Just before I cross my high school auditorium stage, I
look out at the spectators in the bleachers, and I see
mother and father and Kevin. Katie is sitting right beside
them, cheering me on.

Friday, March 13, 2009

"Did You Know Everything Happens To You For A Reason And You Should Be Thankful"

This Is Good
By: Author Unknown

An old story is told of a king in Africa who had a close
friend with whom he grew up. The friend had a habit of
looking at every situation that ever occurred in his life
(positive or negative) and remarking, "This is good!" One
day the king and his friend were out on a hunting
expedition. The friend would load and prepare the guns for
the king. The friend had apparently done something wrong in
preparing one of the guns, for after taking the gun from his
friend, the king fired it and his thumb was blown off.

Examining the situation the friend remarked as usual, "This
is good!"

To which the king replied, "No, this is NOT good!" and
proceeded to send his friend to jail.

About a year later, the king was hunting in an area that he
should have known to stay clear of. Cannibals captured him
and took him to their village. They tied his hands, stacked
some wood, set up a stake and bound him to the stake. As
they came near to set fire to the wood, they noticed that
the king was missing a thumb. Being superstitious, they
never ate anyone that was less than whole. So untying the
king, they sent him on his way. As he returned home, he was
reminded of the event that had taken his thumb and felt
remorse for his treatment of his friend. He went immediately
to the jail to speak with his friend.

"You were right," he said, "it was good that my thumb was
blown off." And he proceeded to tell the friend all that had
just happened. "And so I am very sorry for sending you to
jail for so long. It was bad for me to do this."

"No," his friend replied, "This is good!"

"What do you mean,'This is good'? How could it be good that
I sent my friend to jail for a year?"

"If I had NOT been in jail, I would have been with you."

Saturday, March 7, 2009

What can We Learn From The Animals, Nature, The Birds And The Bees And Most Certainly From The Trees About Thriving And Surviving In Any Economy?

What can We Learn From The Animals, Nature, The Birds And The Bees And Most Certainly From The Trees About Thriving And Surviving In Any Economy?

By Axel Henriksen March 8, 2009

Now I just caught myself thinking a whole bunch of corny old platitudes after writing that headline but stopped myself from writing them down just in the nick of time –why did I do that well because Many of you will have the same old mumbo jumbo in your heads any way, the others would just think I have lost it.

Now it isn’t as crazy as it sounds and I am going to demonstrate and prove to you exactly why we should literally take a leaf out of Mother Nature’s book and copy Her SYSTEM!

When I study my garden here is what I see;

1. The birds and the Bees Are as busy as ever collecting and eating their food.
a. They start very early usually at sunrise and with a song [glad to be alive and telling everyone they are]
b. They travel as far and wide as required to find food every day
c. They jostle with others for the same food
d. They stick with a pretty strict routine
e. They do it every single day
f. They never quit and if the do they die
g. They do it even in the face of challenges and many dangers [cats & other predators]
h. They seem to get food from plants and in turn fertilise the plants [now that’s a very clever concern “Win Win”] and they help the plants build their family by carrying the seeds and planting them else where.
i. This is the REAL BIGGY “They never ever Retire!” they never for one second even consider retiring .. “So Why should we?”

2. Strangely they also know that there is a rhythm to life.
a. And they accept this
b. And are prepared for it
c. And They work with it
d. And They anticipate it
e. Winter follows Autumn, Autumn follows Summer and Summer follows Spring and this seems to have occurred since time started, with a few major disasters thrown in And guess what even they seem to follow a pattern that can be tracked.

3. The trees and the plants they also follow these same patterns and.
a. Deliver their vital supplies just on time as the most modern supply systems we have to day do. Now that’s pretty amazing isn’t it?
b. They produce flowers which feed bees, birds, butterflies and many other insects [even humans] these in turn provide a valuable service to the plants.
c. Yes It’s all About SEX there and went and said it every thing on the plant is busy procreating as fast and as furiously as the seasons will allow. And in times of plenty they are even more busy.
d. Trees live on average much longer than any animal, insect or human –What survival skills they have, what amazing things they must have witnessed and what a vital part of our survival they really are! Right here I could write volumes on the usefulness of trees but I think I better just insert a couple of links to others that have already done it much better than I ever could.

4. Herds, Groups, Flocks, Forrest’s, Gaggles, Tribes, Clutches, Communities, countries, Nations Unions, Alliances and any other form of mutual bond and association seems to be pretty vital to each species survival because.
a. There’s safety in numbers
b. There’s a common cause
c. There’s a common goal
d. There’s a common identity
e. There’s a common understanding
f. There’s the possibility of finding a suitable Mate
g. There’s a Structure
h. There’s usually a Leader to follow
i. There’s a Common Learning & Knowledge transference
j. Often there’s a specialty or something very specific to this group or clutch

The Glaring Difference That Cause the Problems can be seen as follows:

In nature everything is always being born, growing, dying and from the death springs new life because that’s what it is designed to do. The resurrection in nature is the new growth that springs from the death of something else ie. When a tree matures and dies it becomes food for a myriad of insects and other organism that rely on it’s death so that they may live. That I find wonderful and uplifting to think that in death you and I can be valuable and create new life. {enter link here to monks that chop up bodies and feed the animals}I decide to leave this out and let you find it for yourself as it can be a little disturbing to most westerners of which I am one.

1. Sadly most humans bury the body in little boxes to do what?
2. Every death in nature creates new life or sustains other living creates and organisms as it should be but with humans that isn’t so-Why?
3. Burning the body and scattering the ashes as least has some usefulness to it, perhaps that’s why so many ancient cultures did it? And many still do-Great

Many of modern mans problems can also be attributed to the fact that they have become Rogues and have either chosen to or have been cast out from the tribe, family, group or even the marriage. This isolation can and does cause many problems.

1. Isolation means that you are no longer part of the pack, the tribe or the inner sanctum which means your learning is limited.
2. You now display anti social behaviour and many become withdrawn
3. The herd has no pity for you any more because you are an outcast
4. You now have to fend for yourself and by yourself which makes many tasks very difficult
5. You in turn don’t want to or feel inclined to help any of the herd if they are in danger in fact you are just as likely to be the cause of that danger or threat.
6. In Nature the outcast seldom lives long as they fall victim to other predators stronger that themselves, some of course manage to align themselves with other outcasts or rogues and cause havoc and mayhem to any and all that cross their path.
7. When you study many of the herds, flocks and other groupings in nature you will see that they have grouped to give benefits to each member greater than the disadvantageous of being together and often they assist each any to collect food, protect each other and lead each other to those items. They seem to instinctively realise that if they don’t their very own survival and that of their offspring is at risk as it would be for their entire species’ So there has to be something vital to our gathering together and taking responsibility for the group we belong to as a whole, something that is within us to help each other for something greater than a drive to have another plastic widget, another pair of jeans or shoes that we really don’t need.
8. There’s actually more than enough food to feed everyone in the world so hunger isn’t a problem “Lack Of Product –No –Sadly it is a product of GREED, the greed of a few Wealthy A Moral Leaders Of The pack Rogues that Should Be Removed from the Herd”
9. These Rogues tend to value things that don’t create any Real Value or Benefit to The Other tribes as such. They sit on the fringes and create panic and fear in the Herd by menacing them “I look forward to the day That The Herd realises that They Are weak And the herd has all of the Power and the strength to tame the Rogues and Lay down the rules of conduct”
10. So in future when you are faced with this problem you will make the Right Decision for You and your immediate off spring and also the herd to which you belong . “Would you want another 4 tons of in-edible gold that actual pollutes the world due the mining practices to obtain it, have you ever taken the time to study the effects that gold mining has on the ecosystems? Do you realise the huge amounts of very toxic poisons that these mining practices produce, heavy metals released into the water ways and leaching into the soils. In some countries the miners wash the trailings in their water ways thereby killing all the fish and other things that rely on that water for their survival, strangely that includes them and they don’t even seem to be a ware of it or simply ignore it for more today on behalf of those that are leaning towards becoming or are supporters of the Rogues.{ give me 4 tonnes of wheat to 4 tonnes of Gold any day} Only You, Yes You can Stop this by voting NO by your actions, by defining who you are and what you stand for and aligning yourself with others of like mind and spreading the message to one other person at a time, teach them the things you know and let them decide which Pride they want to belong to And I Urge you to start Today before it is too late for us to even be able to envision that there will be a Tomorrow.

Buddist Funeral

Sunday, March 1, 2009

"How to Read The Current Situation And Profit from it"

The world has been turned upside down in the last 7 months or so..And the things I felt come did so and with a vengeance.

1. XL Results Foundation: when from being profitable to losing about $1million per month and had to totally restructure which it is still doing.

2. Mortgagee sales have dramatically increased in NZ and many are because they "Put It On The House!" and that included their business debts and now they are regretting that.

3. Many 1000's of people got exited about the property markets all around the world and particularly in NZ and for mostly the wrong reasons. Because it became the hottest topic and every Tea lady was discussing it ....the Scammers entered the market and made a killing and now Mr & Mrs Q Public are paying the bill mostly by having to selling the family home to cover the debts to the Banks. Many developments are sitting partly finished or just sitting unsold. Developers are being made Bankrupt by the 100's including many of the largest ones that made you feel POOR last year.

4. There are a huge portion of the public suffering and looking for relief and as we know wont want to do what it takes to get that relief other than VENT about it.
5. There are now loads of new Direct Sales companies emerging from every crack and cranny offering to make you Rich if you will just join them. Most are scams or On the Growing List Of PONZEE schemes.

5. Most established MLM companies are having a hell of a job to maintain their volumes and Distributor Numbers and by that I mean Active distributor Numbers.

6. Most Direct Online Markers are Currently Giving Away their Products as long as the Buyer pays the Freight [ they make a wee bit on that] and get a new Prospect to pound on.

7. People have been attempting to sell up and move to Aussie for the better life ...Yet The news from Aussie isn't any Better that from NZ in fact Aussie is just staring to have the same massive business failures in the Finance company and investment advice sectors that NZ has had and as always it will be Mr & Mrs Q Public paying the bill and losing their shirts.

The Good Bits

1. There has NEVER EVER BEEN a Better Time to be selling the Ability to Make Money because people Have to Listen NOW!

2. There are More great Opportunities in Nearly Every Area you can think of as Long As YOU Know What to do and How to Take Advantage of it, in other words If you have the Knowledge, Skills and the Balls to take the Appropriate Action.

3. More than Ever those That Can Stand out as LEADERS will Be In great Demand to Lead the others... So Make sure You Are a LEADER worth Following.

4. The Way Of Doing Business has Totally changed and Those that can Master these New ways Will Become Super Wealthy-So if You know how to work this way and can coach others to do it TOO then you will be very very popular RIGHT NOW.

5. It is no Longer about the "HOW to Do Something" as it has been for the last 9 years Now it Is all about "What To Do"

6. Systems are the Coolest and Hottest Thing right Now....So you gotta think "What Can I Do To Get A Piece Of The Action Today?"

7. You can No Longer work alone you MUST Partner with Others to Stay alive and to Thrive...

Stay Tuned as I reveal How You can become part what I consider the Most Exciting way for You to Stay ahead of the herd and what You Must do to get Involved.